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Mother's milk in a sentence

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Sentence count:21+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-09-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: coppersmithsilversmithcry over spilt milkmother's boymother's daymother superiormothers-in-lawmilkMeaning: n. milk secreted by a woman who has recently given birth. 
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1. Breast/Mother's milk is the best nourishment for a baby.
2. Nothing could substitute for mother's milk.
3. The tiny fox cubs drink nothing but their mother's milk .
4. Antibodies from the mother's milk line the baby's intestines and prevent infection.
5. Calves rely on their mother's milk to provide nourishment.
6. Babies thrive on their mother's milk.
7. Which animal's baby feeds on the mother's milk?
8. No powder as good as mother's milk.
9. Mother's milk is one apocrine secretion.
10. Jazz is mother's milk to me.
11. Money was mother's milk in a Turtle's world.
12. WHO says mother's milk is best everywhere in the world['s milk.html], in rich and poor countries alike.
13. Provided the mother's milk supply is ample her diet is adequate and she is not infected with HIV there are no disadvantages of breast-feeding for the healthy term infant (see Chapter 94).
14. Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk.
15. Yellow mother's milk for generations nurtured the growth of the people here.
16. Mother's milk is believed to help a suckling child avoid diseases.
17. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
18. As World Breastfeeding Week gets underway, W.H.O. and its partners are promoting mother's milk as the best way to give babies a healthy start in life.
19. Experienced a cold winter, her children have become so fragile, so she gave them manna from heaven, the children know that mother's milk, she did not abandon them!
20. In the first 8 weeks of the cubs, they depend entirely on mother's milk.
21. There, employees warm the milk and mix it with other mother's milk.
More similar words: coppersmithsilversmithcry over spilt milkmother's boymother's daymother superiormothers-in-lawmilkmilkymilkersteersmanmilk cowmilkingmilky waymilkmanraw milksoymilkmilkweedmilkmaidsoya milkwhole milkskim milkmilk-whitemilk floatmilk shakebuttermilkmilkshakedried milkfarmer's marketpitcher's mound
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